Our People

Mary Kush
Chief Financial Officer
Seasoned executive, previously serving as Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Senior Equity Analyst at Eagle Capital Management. Highly regarded board member, serving on the Board of the Park Avenue Armory and the Lehigh University Investment Subcommittee.
Board Members & Advisors

Eileen Murray
Board Member
A widely respected executive with more than 40 years in financial services. Serves on the boards of HSBC, Guardian Life, and Broadridge Financial Technologies. Served as Chair of FINRA and co-CEO of Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest hedge fund, after senior roles at Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse.

Mark Young
Senior Advisor
A leading authority on security, intelligence, and advanced technology, having developed national technical policies, plans, and operations. Serves as Chief Risk Officer at ConsenSys Software. Previously served at the U.S. Department of Defense and National Security Agency.
We are about integrity; respect; performance; and working hard, collaboratively, and with speed. Our focus is on undoing the environmental damage that has been done, quickly; we know there is not time to waste.





Clean & Green Ambassadors

We do the RIGHT thing

We take responsibility for our actions

Authentic and Direct
We tell it like it is

Bold and Audacious
We set big goals and push hard to achieve them

Action oriented, Performance Driven
We believe results matter, talk does not

Diverse and Inclusive
We believe diversity makes us stronger … intolerance is not allowed

We do what we do because we are passionate about it and we love the people with whom we work
Bold and Audacious
We set big goals and push hard to achieve them